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Showing posts with label WordPress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WordPress. Show all posts

16 December 2016


I’ve been working on WooCommerce plugin lately and one of the required functionality is to display current user Recent Orders, I know Recent Orders and Downloaded Products are added under My Account page but this time I choose to create a new page template just for this functionality so it display as normal page or same on other site pages layout.
This is also helpful if you don’t want your site customer to see those bunches of stuff, like Edit billing and shipping information, profile information and other stuff.Without further ado, let’s get started.

Complete Code

You can create a new page template and add the below code directly.
$customer_orders = get_posts( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_my_account_my_orders_query', array(
 'numberposts' => $order_count,
 'meta_key'    => '_customer_user',
 'meta_value'  => get_current_user_id(),
 'post_type'   => 'shop_order',
 'post_status' => 'publish'
) ) );
if ( $customer_orders ) : ?>
 <table class="shop_table my_account_orders" width="100%">
    <th class="order-number"><span class="nobr">< ?php _e( 'Order', 'woocommerce' ); ?></span></th>
    <th class="order-date"><span class="nobr">< ?php _e( 'Date', 'woocommerce' ); ?></span></th>
    <th class="order-status"><span class="nobr">< ?php _e( 'Status', 'woocommerce' ); ?></span></th>
    <th class="order-total"><span class="nobr">< ?php _e( 'Total', 'woocommerce' ); ?></span></th>
    <th class="order-actions"> </th>
  <tbody>< ?php
   foreach ( $customer_orders as $customer_order ) {
    $order = new WC_Order();
    $order->populate( $customer_order );
    $status     = get_term_by( 'slug', $order->status, 'shop_order_status' );
    $item_count = $order->get_item_count();
    ?><tr class="order">
     <td class="order-number">
      <a href="<?php echo $order->get_view_order_url(); ?>">
       < ?php echo $order->get_order_number(); ?>
     <td class="order-date">
      <time datetime="<?php echo date( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( $order->order_date ) ); ?>" title="< ?php echo esc_attr( strtotime( $order->order_date ) ); ?>">< ?php echo date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), strtotime( $order->order_date ) ); ?></time>
     <td class="order-status" style="text-align:left; white-space:nowrap;">
      < ?php echo ucfirst( __( $status->name, 'woocommerce' ) ); ?>
     <td class="order-total">
      < ?php echo sprintf( _n( '%s for %s item', '%s for %s items', $item_count, 'woocommerce' ), $order->get_formatted_order_total(), $item_count ); ?>
     <td class="order-actions">
      < ?php
       $actions = array();
       if ( in_array( $order->status, apply_filters( 'woocommerce_valid_order_statuses_for_payment', array( 'pending', 'failed' ), $order ) ) ) {
        $actions['pay'] = array(
         'url'  => $order->get_checkout_payment_url(),
         'name' => __( 'Pay', 'woocommerce' )
       if ( in_array( $order->status, apply_filters( 'woocommerce_valid_order_statuses_for_cancel', array( 'pending', 'failed' ), $order ) ) ) {
        $actions['cancel'] = array(
         'url'  => $order->get_cancel_order_url( get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'myaccount' ) ) ),
         'name' => __( 'Cancel', 'woocommerce' )
       $actions['view'] = array(
        'url'  => $order->get_view_order_url(),
        'name' => __( 'View', 'woocommerce' )
       $actions = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_my_account_my_orders_actions', $actions, $order );
       if ($actions) {
        foreach ( $actions as $key => $action ) {
         echo '<a href="' . esc_url( $action&#91;'url'&#93; ) . '" class="button ' . sanitize_html_class( $key ) . '">' . esc_html( $action['name'] ) . '</a>';
    </tr>< ?php
< ?php endif; ?>  

How to Display WordPress Post Content in Multiple Columns?

Many of the blogs actually exhibit their contents in single columns only as the bloggers prefer this method the most. But at the same time they can achieve in exhibiting their contents in multiple columns. Though multiple-column layouts are mostly used on newspapers and magazine-styled themes, but nowadays they are also applied on web pages.
We’ve mentioned here 6 various ways how to display the WordPress post content in multiple columns.
  1. Use CSS3 and progressive development

The simplest and the excellent method to exhibit your content in multiple columns is to start using a bit of CSS3 in the developing style. CSS will help to exhibit contents in 3 columns along with 10px gap between each column. Those people who are administering the modern browsers such as Firefox and Safari, this method will be a superb way for improving your content display. 
  1. Filter content with multiple column use

If you want to explore something more with CSS3, you can adjust things at PHP/[X] HTML stage and thus style it by applying the CSS. The multi-column technique when executed properly, crafts a column for each case of <h2> set up with the post content. To evade layout rupture, you should ensure to maximize the number of <h2> elements to two only. You can even amend the code to utilize a distinct element if <h2> tag isn’t fine for you.       
  1. Multiple loops exhibited in multiple columns

While displaying multiple loops in multiple columns, you have to follow 3 important steps using WordPress and a bit of CSS. The 1st step includes setting up multiple loops where the first column, first loop exhibits 1 to 5 posts; the second column, second loop exhibits 6 to 10 posts; and the third column, third loop exhibits 11 to 15 posts, each of which are perfect. The 2nd stepcovers marking up your theme template files. Each of the 3 loops will be positioned into its own div that will be then designed with a bit of CSS to change it into 1 of 3 columns. The 3rd step is styling of columns along with CSS. You can apply width values which will craft the right column widths. Finally when the setup is done, your posts can easily exhibit your multiple-loop contents in multiple columns. 
  1. More kinds of flexible multiple columns

When you’re going for three or more columns, you can use a technique which permits number of columns with entirely distinct content in each column as it crafts columns that are based on multiple cases of <!- -more- -> tag. There are 4 steps that are entailed in executing this technique. Firstly, you can insert my_multi_col_v2 function towards your functions.php file. Secondly, you can add an additional snippet towards your theme template file; take for example, page.phpThirdly, you can add few CSS for formatting the markup into the columns. Fourthly, you can add a couple of <!- – more- -> in your page or post for producing the 3 column.   
  1. Exhibit your posts in horizontal display order along with two columns

Now you should make some changes and exhibit your two-column posts in the horizontal display order on the page. It can be completed applying 2 default loops as well the rewind_posts() function. The first loop will be exhibiting the posts in the first column, whereas the second loop will be exhibiting the posts in the second column. In order to execute this, you can utilize the modulus operator of PHP for sorting out each post from first loop that will exhibit posts in the horizontal order. For making it occur, you have to firstly restore your default WordPress loop with its essential code. When the code is positioned, the unusually numbered posts will show in a division that is spotted with an aspect of id=”right-column”Hence you can use the required CSS to place the divisions as 2 adjacent columns. This is how your page is styled in horizontal display with two columns. 
  1. Bonus- Exhibit your category list in the two columns

With the use of a bit of PHP, you can acquire the WP’s wp_list_categories() for exhibiting your categories in 2 columns. You just need to place the necessary codes positioned in your theme file where you would want the categories to show and thus get the required results. 
My last Speech:
Thus,I hope with the above use of multiple columns, the visual look of your design as well as content readability will surely increase greatly.

20+ Best WordPress Facebook Plugins

Some of these plug-in allows WordPress blog owners to integrate their blog in Facebook and Facebook feed from  a page into your sidebar as widget or directly onto post, page etc. No need to manually add new posts you create everyday in Facebook as there are plugins here which will auto add new posts to any Facebook page, post or wall easily. Facebook comment system are very popular in WordPress as they have little to no spam and a good medium for your visitors to comment easily without going through the comment form of a default WordPress website.
Stay tuned for more interesting Facebook plugins which are released every once a while as we will update with free and also the best of all. Please share in your comments and how you found these plugins useful for your website.

Custom Facebook Feed

The Custom Facebook Feed allows you to display a completely customizable Facebook feed of any public Facebook page or group on your website.

Add Link to Facebook

Automatically add links to published posts or pages to your Facebook wall, pages or groups and more.

JSL3 Facebook Wall Feed

Displays your Facebook wall as a widget or through shortcode on a post or page.

Recent Facebook Posts

Lists most recent Facebook posts from public Facebook pages. A faster, prettier and more customizable alternative to Facebooks Like Box.

SEO Facebook Comment

This plugin will insert a Facebook Comment Form, Open Graph Tags and ALSO insert all Facebook Comments into your WordPress Database for better SEO.

Facebook All

Make your blog fully social with facebook social plugins and allow your visitor to comment and login with Facebook and Google.

NextGEN Facebook Open Graph+

Improve the appearance and ranking of WordPress Posts, Pages, and eCommerce Products in Google Search and Social Website shares.

Facebook Like Button

Facebook Like Button Plugin allows you to add a Follow button the easiest way. Select the button position: before the content, after, before and after or using a shortcode.

Facebook Members

Facebook Members is a WordPres Social Plugin that enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website.  The simplest way to bring Facebook LikeBox + Facebook Recommendation Bar functionality to WordPress with lot more Options.

Nextend Facebook Connect

One click registration & login plugin for Facebook? Easy installation? Is it totally free and comes with support? Yeah!

Facebook Vinyl

This plugin integrates Facebook albums into WordPress with an easy to use editor popup.

Facebook Comments

The Facebook Comments WordPress plugin makes it easier for you to setup, administer and customise Facebook comments from your WordPress site.

Tawea Facebook Chat

Tawea enables blogs to integrate Facebook Chat. Add Tawea to your blog and a bar similar to Facebook chat will appear at the bottom right. Log in with your Facebook account and start chatting.

Facebook Likebox Slider by ARScode

Facebook Likebox Slider is a flexible plugin with Facebook faces, stream and header. Very easy to install and configure with nice design.

Facebook Comments by Fat Panda

Replace WordPress commenting with the Facebook Comments widget, quickly and easily.

IK Facebook Feed Plugin

IK Facebook is an easy-to-use plugin for adding a Custom Facebook Feed of any Public Facebook Page to your site, with a shortcode or widget.

Srizon Facebook Album

This wordpress plugin fetches the facebook albums or the whole galleries from your Facebook Fanpage/Fanpages and display them on your site as albums and galleries.

Facebook Traffic Pop

Tap into Facebook’s 600 million plus users now with the hottest Facebook traffic plugin. Facebook Traffc Pop is a new breed of ‘popups’ that will allow you to have your users like your pages, instead of trying to get them to click ads.

jQuery Facebook Gallery WP

The jQuery Facebook Gallery WP plugin allows you to show all your Facebook albums (images) on your website. Please note that this script will only work with Facebook pages that belong to businesses or organization or pages that are registered as fan pages.

Easy Facebook Fanpage and Promotion Builder

Easy Facebook Fanpage Builder gives you the ability easy and fast to create custom Facebook Fan Page Tabs linked directly to your current WordPress site.

Facebook Post Planner – WordPress Plugin

Select what to post on facebook with full control on posts.

Facebook Send Button Pro

Facebook Send Button Pro is a WordPress plugin that lets you harness the power of Facebook’s new social product: the ‘Send’ button .

Facebook Viral Content Locker for WordPress

This plugin enables you to lock a content (text, video, images, etc…) inside your WordPress posts or pages, and let your users only access it after connecting with their Facebook account.

WordPress Exit Box

WordPress Exit Box kicks-in when a visitor clicks an external link on your website, instead of just following the link and losing the visitor, your Exit Box is displayed in a jQuery Box. The content of your exit box is fully customizable, and you can design it to meet your goals with the help of many shortcodes.

15+ Best Free WordPress Plugin You Should Use To Make Your Blog Professional

WordPress has proven one of the most featured user friendly platform,while being open source its gain the good place in the market.Wordpress platform is been used by millions of bloggers and in commercial websites.During the period plugin were emerged in the market to tweak SEO.
The premium offerings will give the market more competition,Some of the best WordPress plugins are created by expert plugin developers,which back their product with support for their customers.Free plugins are also most shared by the experts as you can find them on here
There are 15000 plus plugins are available in wordpress directory,if you check wordpress Most Popular,Newest Plugins and Featured will be listed.But plenty of great plugins are available which don’t make the list.
To make a perfect website or blog, time consuming is more important .

I have dug through the list and found some best to compile 15+ wordpress plugins.

This Plugin which helps you to keep your blog Spam free.Akismet checks comments and trackbacks if its found spammy will be thrown to the spam folder.By checking the Akismet stats you can track the spam count,ham,missed spam and false positive until you trigger them as genuine.
DownLoad Link:
All In One SEO Pack:
This Plugin can be called as pillar of SEO,which helps to give SEO friendly Title(which can be seen on top of your browser),Meta Description(which appears in Google search results),keywords relate to your post.
DownLoad Link:
Author Bio:
The Author Bio plugin which shows author information at end of the post.It also displays author name,gravatar and website link. 
DownLoad Link:
Google XML Sitemap:
This plugin which helps to generate sitemap automatically that intimates search engine spiders to crawl easily.Wordpress site to be created highly searchable for both users and search engines.
DownLoad Link:
Disqus Comment System:
Disqus plugin unify with wordpress comment system to get interact with users.The comment can be done only the user login via disqus this help to approve or deny the comments.
DownLoad Link:
SEO Smart Links:
This Plugin helps to link keyword and phrases automatically in your posts and comments.Once you have installed just configure option with your keywords and associate links.
DownLoad Link:
Thank Me Later:
This Plugin which helps to intimate the users those who commented on your blog,automatically communicate Thank U msg.The time can be set when the email is sent creating multiple messages will looks no Spammy.
DownLoad Link:
WordPress Popular Post:
This Plugin which works with connections of another Plugin stats.Once both have been installed this Plugin start to function by displaying the popular post on your blog by selecting number of days.
DownLoad Link:
WordPress Database Backup:
This is most wanted plugin for all bloggers as it back up your data’s regularly inorder to avoid disaster.It will back up your data (hourly,daily,weekly) to your desktop,server or your inbox.
DownLoad Link:
W3 Total Cache:
This plugin helps by compressing the database and protecting your blog from huge traffic spikes.It also speed up the loading time.This works by caching the browser,page and object data.
DownLoad Link:
Best Contact Form:
This plugin helps the readers to get in touch with you for having an Good relationship such as sharing an issues,updates and etc.
DownLoad Link:
Subscribe To Comments:
This automatically subscribe the commenters to receive an alert when new comment be done.This brings them to conversation and I also love to see this plugin because if author replies me back which makes me to engage with blog.
DownLoad Link:
Digg Digg:
This is an social media plugin which helps the readers to share the post with their followers and also boost the traffic for our blog.It helps us to enable the sharing buttons from top 10 social networking sites.This Plugin has the feature of Normal and Floating display options.
DownLoad Link:
SEO Slugs:
This Plugin helps to remove unnecessary words from Title to make more search engine friendly.
DownLoad Link:
Related Posts:
This Plugin displays relevant post list for the current entry of an particular blog post.This helps readers to get engage with our blog and also to reduce bounce rate.
DownLoad Link:
Top Commentators Widget:
This Plugin helps the readers to engage with your blog by commenting and which helps them to get quality backlinks.
DownLoad Link:

Hope this plugins helps you to make your blog search engine friendly and please share your favorite WordPress Plugins here in comments section.


Best Methods to Secure Your WordPress Website

Daily we hear some scary news on internet about major site hacked or attackers leaked Database and compromised Web Servers, Really this kinda freaks everyone out!. What to do ? Who’s to Blame ? How to Secure ? – Let’s put some thoughts to this questions.
Why to get serious in WordPress security ?
Everyday many security researchers make us aware of popular web attacks! but why all the security talk ? Because security is never-ending responsibility for any WordPress site owner. In fact, it’s an ongoing responsibility for everyone [Internet User], whether you’re using WordPress or not.
Well, If you don’t have a technical background, the risks and safeguards can be little complicated, and I know that security can sometimes be a nebulous, obtuse topic. Okay now enough beating around let’s discuss the main points.

1. Create & Maintain strong passwords

I hope you all are aware of most common web application attack on your login panel is – Brute Force Attack (Similar to Dictionary Attack). Why don’t we just kick off the list with the easiest step you can implement immediately. I expect you already have strong passwords!.
If not, then go to your panel and create strong passwords. Take this seriously – Attackers often try to guess password patterns and attack on your login panel. Please create at least 10 characters password with strong patterns like – numbers and letters, capitals and lowercase, If you go with special symbol then it’s enough to throw attackers off!

2. Protect against brute force attacks

As we’ve talked in previous topic – Brute force attacks are little serious matter!. Here are some helpful steps to protect against it.
First, your web host should be helping to protect you from brute force attacks. Second, should be programs t installed such as Limit Login Attempts, that will make it much more difficult for brute force techniques to work.
Second, make sure you’ve checked off tips 1, 2, and 3 above.
Third, there are programs that can be installed (such as Limit Login Attempts) that will make it much more difficult for brute force techniques to work.

3. Always keep up your site with updates

Never ignore any WordPress updates they are released to fix bugs, introduce new features, and most importantly to patch Security Holes/Vulnerabilities. Do not believe that your site is secure or WordPress will protect my site, No they ain’t got time for this – It’s your responsibility to care and update your WordPress.
I know that many of feel trepidation, when it comes to updating WordPress, You’re afraid that it might break your theme or corrupt any plugin’s functionality. Well I’ll say: if you’re afraid of it, then you need to re-evaluate your theme and plugin strategy.
Do not install any third-party or suspicious plugins! It might affect your WordPress site, Please be up to date and analyze your plugins, site, server etc.

4. Protect your WordPress admin access

The most common name found on WordPress site is “admin”, it’s common and now attackers only needs password. It certainly isn’t going to hurt you badly.
Hackers can find usernames fairly easily from blog posts or elsewhere. More important the specific admin username is to make sure that every username of your site with administrator access is protected by a strong password. Yes, I’m referring you back to #1 in this list. (As I’ve said)

5. Choose the right Web Hosting

I’ve already made you aware about the server-side scanning. One major security risk is being on a server. Think on it : Take the security risks inherent in your own WordPress installation, then multiply it by the number of sites on the server. And if you go with generic hosting, chances are you’re going to be lumped in with hundreds and hundreds of other websites. It’s pretty kinda boring but just for a moment, Have patience and protect yourself.
Also, find a host that doesn’t get complacent about security. and Please Don’t : Your own VPS may not the right option for you and your traffic may not necessitate it. That’s fine. But if you’re going to be on a shared server, make sure it’s shared with just a small number of sites our shared servers have no more than 10 sites on a hosting stack that has proven safeguards in place to protect it.

6. Monitor for malware

It’s really very important that you should have some kind of program in place to monitor your site for malware. Choose any program or method that can actually dive into your file structure and detect deep breaches, rather than one that just shows you where you’re vulnerable.

7. If you got malware then do something

Just Monitoring for malware is not a solution. The solution is what happens once malware is detected. You might get little threatened, Am I already Hacked ? or I’m being watched ?
A couple of the oft-overlooked “true costs” of WordPress ownership are those associated with downtime due to security issues and cleaning up those issues. This is part of the value proposition that should be rolled into your managed hosting provider’s offering.

8. Clean your site like you clean your Car and Kitchen

That’s the main issue of bloggers, they leave traces, bad affected plugins, codes etc..
If you have old themes and plugins that you’re not using anymore, especially if they haven’t been updated, you can basically just go ahead and start the countdown to your next security breach.
A messy site also makes it much more difficult for security professionals to operate should your site be compromised. And that’s not any risky job.
So Please clean up and organize your file structure, Directory like you would your kitchen or a car. It will keep you safe.

9. Control sensitive information

After when you are doing that cleanup of your file structure, check to make sure you are not leaving bits of valuable information available for all the world to see. For example, the readme.html file by default will say what version of WordPress you’re running. If you’re running an older version of WordPress with a known security hole, hackers will find you and deface your site.
Again, look into your phpinfo.php or i.php files. They’ll tell a hacker everything about your setup and serve as a “road map to the house” before they’re planning to break in.
Most Important, Do not leave .sql database backups files, If a hacker can download your entire database they’ll have every username and encrypted password.

10. Stay vigilant, aware and alert!

Always be aware and alert while using WordPress site!, Do not believe on fake plugins and files. Well You don’t need to understand the intricacies of a DDOS attack, But when an issue like the TimThumb fiasco rears its ugly head, are you aware of it? Early detection is the best prevention. You should be with a managed WordPress host who has your back, but it never hurts to have your own too.
Most importantly, we need to respect the critical nature of taking website security seriously.

How To Make A Simple WordPress Ecommerce with Easy Digital Downloads

WordPress is truly a robust platform. Even though it’s mostly used as a CMS, WordPress can easily be transformed into a full-featured shop. You can integrate a shop into your blog or set up an ecommerce store using WordPress as a foundation – the sky’s the limit.
If you’re a store owner, chances are you’re selling a downloadable product or two. With WordPress, selling downloads is easy thanks to the aptly named Easy Digital Downloads (EDD). EDD is one of the most widely used plugins for selling downloads, and it certainly lives up to its name. As a free plugin, it has incredibly versatile functionalities, and it’s a breeze to set up.
In this article, we’ll delve into the features that Easy Digital Downloads provides and walk you through the exact process to set up your first download and integrate the plugin with your site.

Will Easy Digital Downloads Work with Your Theme?

The FAQ page on the Easy Digital Downloads site states that the plugin is designed to work with any theme. That said, some themes are more compatible than others. Many themes are designed with the plugin in mind, and these themes will offer the highest degree of compatibility. While these themes aren’t required, they allow for a more seamless experience.
You can browse EDD-compatible themes on the Easy Digital Downloads site or on Themeforest.

Setting up Easy Digital Downloads

First, you’ll want to visit the general settings page to make sure everything is set up correctly.
Navigate to Dashboard > Downloads > Settings. Here you can change page settings, payment gateways, and more. The payment gateway settings are crucial to go over. You can connect PayPal on this screen with just a few changes. (For information on connecting other payment processors, see the ‘Extensions’ section of this article below.)
You can also change the standard email receipt, set up taxes, and modify miscellaneous settings. This won’t take too long to work through – the PayPal setup is the most important part here.

Adding Your First Download

To get your first download up, navigate to Dashboard > Downloads > Add New. This page conveniently resembles the ‘Add New Post’ or ‘Add New Page’ pages. It’s instantly familiar, and it makes editing a cinch.
Underneath the text input field, you can set the price or option to enable variable pricing, which allows you to set payment options. If you enable variable pricing, you can also enable multi-option mode, which allows users to add more than one option to their cart.
In the next box, you can easily upload the files to be downloaded. For example, if you’re selling an ebook, you’d upload the PDF here. Clicking ‘Upload a file’ will open the WordPress Media Library, and you can choose or upload a file at this point.
If you’re selling multiple files, no problem. Just click the Add New File button. You can also order your files by clicking and dragging on the left-hand side of each file (a four-headed pointer should appear). If you need to remove a file, the button on the right-hand side of the file will instantly delete the file of your choice.
The next box allows you to add Download Notes. This section comes in handy if you need to include special instructions with the download or if you simply want to leave a nice message with the user.
The Excerpt box is optional, allowing you to add a sneak peek at your download. To learn more about excerpts, check out this Codex article.
Navigate to the right-hand side of the page. There are four boxes left to tackle: Download Categories, Download Tags, Download Settings, and Download Image.
In the Download Categories box, choose or create a category to organize your download. The Download Tags box is similar. This process is identical to categorizing a post with categories and tags.
The ‘Download Settings’ box is a particularly important area to pay attention to. Here, you can set a file download limit, which can be useful for proprietary files. You also have an option to modify the purchase button. You can choose the call-to-action, and you can decide where it goes. If you leave ‘Disable the automatic output of the purchase button’ unchecked, the purchase button will appear at the bottom of the download. However, if you check it, you’ll need to copy the shortcode found in this box. You can insert this shortcode wherever you’d like, making this one of the more flexible options that Easy Digital Downloads affords you.
Finally, use the Download Image box to set a nice picture on your download page. Once you’ve double-checked everything, hit publish. You’ve now got your first download up!
An important note: On each download page, you can see the stats in the upper right-hand corner. The number of sales and total earnings are displayed here, and you can also check out the download logs if you wish.

Fine Tuning Your Downloads

Easy Digital Downloads gives you a range of options to customize your downloads. If you’d like to see your payment history or take a look at who’s buying your downloads, EDD gives you the ability.
Its main features can be accessed by navigating to Dashboard > Downloads. Here are some of the more useful options:

Payment History

Here you can view a full list of your sales. You can view the order details, see refunded/cancelled orders, and even keep track of failed purchases.


This provides an alternative view of your customers, and you can also track each customer’s spend total.

Discount Codes

This nifty feature gives you the ability to add discount codes to any of your products. You can create a code name (like HALFOFF), choose a percentage-based or flat fee-based discount, and allow the code to work on any or all of your downloads.


This convenient graph view displays your earnings over time. You can export your sales and earnings as a PDF or view the logs on this page by clicking on the respective tabs.


We’ve just scratched the surface of what Easy Digital Downloads can do. You’re able to accomplish everything mentioned so far with the free version of the plugin, and on top of that, there are some extensions (some free, some paid) that are worth a look.
These extensions add some great functionality to EDD. You can integrate it with your mailing list, offer pay-what-you-want pricing, accept other payment processors, and much more.
If you’re on a tight budget, check out the free extensions EDD provides. Here are just a few:
A shortcode-based functionality that allows you to spotlight certain downloads. You can also modify the HTML if you wish.

Downloads As Services

If you’re selling a service on your storefront, you need this extension. It’s a simple extension, but it refines the buying process for the user.

EDD Purchase Rewards

This free extension is a must-have. Purchase Rewards allows you to reward customers with a discount code for future purchases. You can also require the user to share your site with at least one social network or set a minimum purchase amount that the user has to meet to obtain the discount.
If you have a more flexible budget, here are some paid extensions worth checking out:


Zapier has become increasingly popular for its wide range of abilities. With this extension, you can integrate it with your EDD storefront. You’ll also get the ability to use over 400 third party services, like MailChimp, Zendesk, Dropbox, and more.

Recurring Payments

Use this extension to sell recurring subscriptions on your site. You’ll get a range of billing options and support for Stripe, PayPal, and more.

EDD Social Discounts

When a user shares one of your products on a social network, they get a discount. This simple yet powerful plugin will help you increase sales and spread the word about your brand at the same time.
There are Easy Digital Downloads extensions for almost everything you can think of. Browse the full list here.


Easy Digital Downloads might very well be the definitive plugin for selling on WordPress. When stacked up against its rivals like WooCommerce, it really excels in providing a streamlined way of selling downloads (and even physical products). If you’re selling downloadable products on WordPress, EDD is worthy of your foremost consideration.

18 October 2016

How to Make Good Title Tags To Boost WordPress SEO

The page title tag is arguably the most important factor when you consider WordPress SEO. Just like the chapter title of a book, title tells people and search engines what your page is about. So, visitors can decide whether to go to read your page when it displays in the search results page. To help readers write good and appalling title, today we come out this tutorial, carefully explaining its definition and introducing detailed tips to create it.


Title tag, also called as title element, is a part of Meta tag that is used to offer information about web page for search engines and visitors. Generally, it defines the title of a document, including some keywords to indicate about the topic and main content of your webpage. It is widely used on search engine results pages(SERPs) to show up preview snippets for a particular page, which makes it is important for both SEO and user experience.
Title tag appears at the top of your HTML inside the <head> section, just as the next:
 <title>  Example Title  </title> 
Actually, you are certainly not strange to title tags, which are displayed in three main places: browsers, search engine result pages, and external websites. Look at the detailed situation in the below.
  1. Browser
    Many browsers show up title in the reverse bar at the top of the browser window, like the following: 
  2. Search Engine Result Pages
    If you search for the keywords in the title tag, search engines highlight them in SERPs, which gives your page high visibility and attracts customers to click through it. 
  3. External Websites
    The title tag is usually used as a link anchor text by some external websites, especially social media websites. The below screenshot shows how you webpage performs in Google+. 


As title tags are so important for search engine optimization, it’s urgent and critical for webmasters to optimize title tags, for a terrific low-efforts and high-impact SEO performance. Based on our rich practices, we summary some essential tips in the following.
In theory, you can create a title freely as you want, regardless of the length and content. However, search engines like Google typically shows up the first 50-60 characters of a title. Thus, we suggest you to keep your title tag fewer than 55 characters so that nearly 95% of your title will be displayed correctly.
It’s necessary to place keywords within title tags. In addition, you should also pay close attention to the keyword placement. Usually, the most important words should be first in the title while the least important one should be added at last. In this way, your title tags are helpful for search ranking, and more likely attract searchers to click through the link. However, it should be reversed it you use a language that reads right-to-left.
With multiple keywords included in the title, you can use pipes | to separate each one, instead of commas, underscores, dashes, or any other punctuations.

When starting to write title, it should at least precisely describe the page content. You can write a title that effectively expresses the essence of your page rather than using some un-related words or topics.
In addition, you need to add independent title tags for every page. Instead of using a single title for all pages of your site, each page should have a unique and quality title, which is helpful for search engines to know how this page is different from the others.
As for the title content, you should use some brief but descriptive words and keep the title short and meaningful. Don’t try to use some lengthy words or include unnecessary keywords.
Brand Name
It’s recommended to include your brand name in title tags. However, you should be care for the placement. If your brand is famous enough and has great influence on CTR in search results, you can put it in the first of title. However, if it is less known or irrelevant than keywords, keywords should be first.

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