Primary Assistant Teacher Job Circular 2016 will be found my site. Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) will be published recruitment of Primary Assistant Teacher under Ministry of Primary and Mass Education. This time total 7500 recruited the whole of country. Primary Assistant Teacher recruit the teachers for primary schools started concurrently in 61 districts of Bangladesh (except the three hill districts) on this is PEDP-3 name of Primary Education. Directorate of Primary Education every year published recruitment of Primary Assistant Teacher this job is very popular in Bangladesh. This year total post of Assistant Teacher of Primary School Teachers Seven thousand five hundred will be district except three hill districts.
Job Title: Assistant Teacher (Primary), Only Freedom Fighter Quota
Job Description: Primary Assistant Teacher Job process under the project PEDP-3 by Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) Recruited Primary Assistant Teacher (Skill and un-skill)
Published Date: July 19, 2016
Online Application Starting: July 24, 2016 [10:30 am]
Online Application Ending: August 04, 2016 [11:59 pm]
Gender: Both (Male and Female)
Salary and Benefit: 10, 200-24, 680/= (Skill Person), 9, 700-23, 490/= Un-skill person) National [ Grade- 14]
How to Apply: Online Apply []
Job Location: Own District
Age Limit: Age of applicant should be 18 to 30 years up to 30 June, 2016. [Age limit for son-daughter of freedom fighters and disabled person is 32 years.]
Application Fee: 166.50/- [You will have to submit the fee through SMS by using a Teletalk Mobile Phone.]
Primary Assistant Teacher Job Circular 2016
Recruitment of primary school teacher advertisement published within very short time. Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) own website, and also published this site so if you want to you apply to Primary Assistant Teacher Online Apply 2016. Primary Assistant Teacher Online Apply 2016 procedure will be start very soon. The Primary Assistant Teacher online apply service charge 150/- (One hundred fifty taka) only with Teletalk Mobile phone SMS. Shyamal Kanti Ghosh, Director-General of the Directorate of Primary Education, said this news conformation.
Primary Assistant Teacher Job Circular 2016:
Directorate of primary education this website contains information on all activities of Primary Education in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is situated to the eastern side of the Indian Subcontinent, flanked by India in The West, North and North-East and Myanmar to the South-East and Nepal slightly removed to the North. It is situated between 20 0 34′ and 26 0 38′ North Latitude and 88 0 01′ and 92 0 41′ East Longitude. It has an area of 147,570 Sq. Km. and a population of nearly 150 million. It has a population density of 1015 persons per Sq. Km., which is the highest in the world. Primary Assistant Teacher recruitment very soon.
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