JSC JDC Exam Routine 2016 educationboard.gov.bd Junior School Certificate (JSC) Exam Routine has been published for all educational board. In Madrasah Board it is called JDC examination. JDC examination has bee also published. At first the exam will be held on 1st November, 2016 at 10.00 am. And end of the exam 17th November, 2016. JSC Exam Routine 2016 has published here. Download JSC Exam Routine 20166. JSC mean Junior School Certificate. Higher secondary education managed by eight education board all over the country. This is a public exam, so large number of students participates in this exam and this is also last public exam in Bangladesh.
■ JSC and JDC Exam Schedule: 01 November to 17 November 2016
■ Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
■ Duration: 3 Hours
JSC JDC Exam Routine 2016:
The Dhaka Education Board is responsible for administering all public schools with the exception of English-medium schools and Madrasah education board in Bangladesh is responsible the exam of JDC examination. In all education board under the JSC Exam & JDC Exam Routine of 2016 the JSC examination will be held under eight education boards including one Madrasah and one technical education board.
JSC JDC Exam Routine 2016:
Dhaka Education Board office is located at Bakshibazar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Districts under Dhaka Education Board:
Dhaka, Faridpur, Gazipur, Gopalganj, Jamalpur, Kishoreganj, Madaripur, Manikganj, Munshiganj, Mymensingh, Narayanganjm, Narsingdi, Netrakona, Rajbari, Shariatpur, Sherpur and Tangail. Bangladesh Education Board takes JSC, SSC and HSC exam every year. This year, Dhaka education board has published JSC and JDC exam routine 2015. JSC exam will be start from 1st November up to 12th November 2015. Students can download JSC and JDC exam routine from this site. Besides, other information will be updated here.
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